Girls Academy
The Junior Girls Academy is going well with the squad being introduced to some new interesting practice routines by Jo and the academy/developement squad getting some excellent short game and course management advice and help from Richard and Steve. there is usually a 'beat the professionals ' challenge to finish on. Jo is getting the girls to think outside the box in terms of how they adapt to different situations so she organised them to play one hole left handed, another using only one club including putting and another hle as 'speed' golf. It was great fun and the girls enjoyed the different challenges.
June 11th and July 9th are the next 2 dates, all at The Bedfordshire Golf Club, Stagsden.
We have 2 sessions. 10.00am to 12.30 for prospective squad players and 1.00pm to 2.30 for the Development group.
They all meet together at 12.30 for the customary bowls of chips!
We are always on the lookout for new girls to include in the groups. If you have any girls at your club who are showing promise and would benefit from the different format and teaching please encourage them to contact either Claudine Tate or Liz Bagshaw at